Debunking Hypnosis

Hypnosis is not what you may think.

There are many misunderstandings about hypnosis. No, you cannot get stuck in a hypnotic state. No, you will not reveal your deepest, darkest secrets. No, hypnosis does not need an unconscious state to work. And no, your subconscious mind will not let anything happen that is not for your best good. You cannot adopt an idea that is against your moral code.

We are actually in trance many times a day. The body and mind crave this state for healing and rejuvenation.  Have you ever missed your exit on a freeway or finished a task without readily remember how it got done? Have you ever felt that time was ‘lost’, moving too fast or too slow? These are all examples of natural hypnosis.

Hypnosis actually works under any level of relaxation, even when inducing yourself as in self-hypnosis. By quieting your physical body, you calm your mind, thus accessing your subconscious programming.

Your subconscious mind programs all of your habits, fears, imprints, memories and many physical functions. By quieting the conscious mind, you can drop into the subconscious mind and change old programming.  

Shift from anxious to excited, from overwhelmed to a calm, even change your sense of self. Finding more patience, budget your time better, getting better sleep, improving your self image, finding your voice, ending bad habits, getting over unrealistic fears and much more can happen with RISE. And all within the privacy and pace that is best for you.