RISE's Mary Welp was the featured guest on "Creative On Purpose LIVE" with Scott Perry.. His platform offers insightful conversations with inspiring difference-makers to inform your quest to live your legacy in endeavors that matter.
Anchoring is a method of bringing back a feeling or emotion. In this Guided Meditation led by Mary Welp, CH, we will anchor feelings of "confidence", "competency", "a playful spirit" and "feeling loved".
Finding peace within yourself will help with a peaceful holiday.
How to eat more mindfully, especially at Thanksgiving
An example of the third step of RISE Hypnotic Meditation. To learn more about this technique, visit https://www.risehypnoticmeditation.com
This video is a refresher of the steps of RISE. Relax Imagine Suggest Empower
This video describes how our conscious actions are fueled by our subconscious programing. "Till you change your thinking you always recycle your experiences."
An example of the second step of RISE Hypnotic Meditation. To learn more about this technique, visit https://www.risehypnoticmeditation.com/